sign Hempstead

Hempstead Conservation Area

North Norfolk District Council has undertaken to complete
The Glaven Valley Conservation Area Appraisals & Management Plans
covering Baconsthorpe, Glandford, Hempstead, Holt and Letheringsett
Purcell Heritage Consultants have been appointed to assist with the review

NNDC have just embarked on a 6 week consultation period for several Glaven Valley Conservation Area Appraisals, one of which is Hempstead. The draft_document which is available to view will not be formally adopted until the consultation process is complete and any representations from the public taken into consideration.
NNDC statement in response to a parishioner's query

Please do your views and comments and they will be placed on this new
Hempstead Conservation & Chicken Farm Development Comments page

The closing date of the Consultation shown on the above poster is incorrect
the actual closing date is 12th March

This Appraisal will naturally affect some inhabitants of the village more than others. For instance, some building and garden alterations will become subject to tight regulations, with planning consent required before work can commence.
Also -
The Old School Rooms,
Hempstead Lodge
White Horse Cottages
43, 44, 45 Marlpit Lane and Tinker’s Cottage
have been proposed for local listing for their architectural and historical interest.

Date published: 5th February 2021

North Norfolk District Council is inviting residents in 5 Conservation Areas to let them know what they find special about the historic settlements of Baconsthorpe, Glandford, Hempstead, Holt and Leatheringsett. 

The public consultation will directly inform the Council how the Conservation Areas can be best managed in the future and what residents consider to be most important about their village or town.

The five Glaven Valley settlements are undergoing a Conservation Area Appraisal, which will review the conservation area designation and protect their character through the planning process. The Council’s appointed heritage consultants, Purcell, have drafted appraisals for each of the five settlements, defining their special qualities and identifying the issues which threaten them.

The documents aim to provide guidelines for the public, developers and planners for future proposals in these areas and retain the character of the area.

With the Council unable to hold public meetings and exhibitions on the reviews, the public are invited to submit feedback, questions or identify what they love most about the area they live in through our online consultation arrangements with the draft appraisal review documents. 

The consultation period is now open and is running from 1 February to 12 March.

Cllr. John Toye, Portfolio Holder for Planning said:
“Many of these areas have not been reviewed for many decades and it is time to bring them up to date.
This consultation is the opportunity for you to have your say about how we may be guided on making planning decisions in these areas whilst ensuring we align with national and local policy. Please don’t miss this opportunity for you, the local community, to engage with North Norfolk District Council and to give your opinion.
Don’t leave it to others to shape your local community, I urge you to get involved and have your say.”

To contact the Council regarding the consultations, email  The appraisal documents will be available to view on this website and the Council’s website throughout the duration of the consultation.

NNDC - Date published: 5th February 2021

The documents made available here are also available to view on the NNDC website
Glaven Valley Conservation A&M Plans Overview of NNDC Appraisal & Management Plans
Hempstead Conservation Area Elements Document summarising the main document including the highlighting of such things as negative features
Hempstead Conservation Area Appraisal 2nd draft of the main document providing an in depth view of the village
Hempstead Conservation Area map NNDC 2012 map
Please note that hyperlinks in the documents will not work when viewed from here

* Baconsthorpe
* Glandford
* Hempstead
* Holt
* Letheringsett

These five conservation areas were chosen for review as they were considered priority cases:
All four conservation areas were designated in the 1970's and 80's and have not been reviewed since this time. During this intervening period, significant change has taken place and the conservation areas must adapt to any prevailing changes.

All five settlements are in need of robust definition and understanding to ensure the Conservation Area status remains meaningful and justified.

It was felt that the additional information and guidance provided by an adopted
appraisal would help inform and assist future decision making.

NNDC Statement

Understanding the character and significance of conservation areas is essential for managing change within them. It is therefore a requirement under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 that all local planning authorities ‘formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement’ of conservations areas within their jurisdiction, and that these proposals are periodically reviewed. The proposals are normally presented in the form of a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, which defines and records the
special interest of a conservation area, as well as setting out a plan of action for its on-going protection and enhancement.
Conservation areas may be affected by direct physical change by changes in their setting or in the uses of buildings or areas within them. A clear definition of those elements which contribute to the special architectural or historic interest of a place will enable the development of a robust policy framework for the future management of that area, against which applications can be considered.
Over time, conservation areas evolve and the characteristics which underpin their special interest may decrease in their integrity because of gradual alteration. It is therefore important to review and take stock of the character of a conservation area at intervals to ensure designation is still suitable and that the proper management of change is in place.
Often, conservation area boundaries have historically been drawn too tightly or include peripheral areas which do not contribute to an understanding of its character. Consequently, it is important to review the boundary and include/exclude buildings and spaces which do/not meet conservation area designation criteria.

This Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan therefore seeks to:

• Record and analyse the special interest of the Hempstead Conservation Area

• Recognise the designated and non-designated heritage assets which comprise the Conservation Area

• Identify issues relating to condition and pressures for change

NNDC statement

NNDC map of Hempstead Conservation Area
Courtesy of OS map images

If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. Please or telephone 07836 675369

Website copyright © Jonathan Neville 2021
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